Tuesday, June 26, 2012

One Last Adventure

Because Palau always had more surprises. Today was our last day in Palau, and it was amazing. More than half the group has already left. But today a few of the remaining people went to an amazing waterfall on Babeldoab. It was a short hike to it, and then we crossed the water above the falls, hiked down next to it, and swam and played in the falls.
The Falls
We went behind the waterfall, which was amazing. It’s rained here a lot recently, so there was more water than usual. The force of all of the water was just incredible.

Me behind the falls
Mary and the falls
What a day!
So that made for a fun day. We went to Riptide for lunch and Drop Off for dinner to say goodbye to our favorite restaurants and all the friends we’ve met at them.  We’ve met so many people and had so many great conversations. When I think back and remember this trip, one of the biggest things I’ll remember is how much I’ve laughed.

We’re heading to the airport in half an hour, so this is my last post from Palau. There are 5 of us traveling together to Guam, then to Honolulu. Then one of the guys splits, and the remaining four of us go to DC. Then two of us are on the early flight to Raleigh, and the other two have a longer layover. It’ll be a lot of traveling, but I can’t wait to be home.

It’s been real. It’s been fun. It’s been real fun. Until next time, Palau!

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